You have only one life. Invest it, don’t simply spend it. Invest it by using it to make the lives of others better today and for many generations to come.

Live in the present today walking in the light of eternity.

Something I’ve learned by attempting to live my life in the light of eternity is that the treasures that the world values become worthless. I gravitate more towards the important things. I desire to focus on the essentials. I want to declutter my life and remove the things that entangle, remove all the distractions.When you live your life in the light of eternity, the treasures the world values become worthless. Things do not matter any- more; souls become precious.

When a person starts living in the light of eternity, one thing I’ve discovered is that things do not matter as much, people become more and more precious. Relationships and empowering others becomes something we desire to do.

One of the lessons I am reminded of every day as I work with my clients is that life is brittle. It’s utterly foolish to live life in a presumptuous way, acting as though tomorrow was promised and guaranteed for any of us.

Living in the light of eternity helps us to focus on the present and make out lives count today.

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