Recently, I asked one of my 3-year-old patients.

“Jamie, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“A pig, I wanna be a pig”, she said smiling broadly, and very proudly.

“Huh? A what?” I queried.

Her mum who had burst into laughter at her response helped me clarify, “She wants to be pig”

I couldn’t stop laughing for a while. All three of us had a good laugh.

An hour later, I asked Nick, a gentleman of about the same age, the same question. Nick told me, “I wanna be a good boy”. I congratulated him for his response. At least he wasn’t desiring to become a pig.

For you, the adult, what do you want to do when you grow up?

What impact do you want to make with your life? What is your calling? What is your “why”?

Don’t tell me you want to be a pig or a good boy or girl. For real, what do you want to be like?

If you don’t know, it’s alright. But don’t stop until you know. Each of us has a calling, our job is to figure it out and get about doing it.



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