I teach people how to find their calling or design or calling using my mnemonic, DESIGN. After you have discovered your God-given design. What should you do? Start serving! God has called us to serve others. So, start using your design to serve.

Here are some suggestions.

  1. On your daily job. Start finding ways to use your DESIGN to serve God. God wants you to be a light wherever he has placed you.
  2. In your local church. Talk to the ministry coordinators in your local church about ways to serve. In fact, don’t wait to be told what to do, find something that matches your DESIGN that needs help and jump on it and help fix it. The local church belongs to your heavenly father. Your DESIGN is God’s invitation for you to serve him in those areas. Don’t wait for another invitation.
  3. Community organizations. Look for trusted nonprofit organizations in your community that need help and start serving.
  4. Servant evangelism. Use your DESIGN and serve people in your community with the intent of sharing Christ’s love and message to them as the Holy Spirit leads you.
  5. Serve others in your school. Use your design to serve your teachers and other students in your school.
  6. Mentor. Find someone to mentor by becoming a spiritual mother or father to them and use your gifts to serve that person.
  7. Coach someone to find their own DESIGN. Mentor someone and show them how to determine their DESIGN so that they too can serve God most fully.
  8. Global needs. Use your DESIGN to serve a global need/challenge
  9. Your family. Use your DESIGN to serve others within your family.
  10. Yourself. Use your DESIGN to grow and develop yourself so that you can be a better servant tomorrow.

Serving is how you make the world a better place.

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