We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking. It can transform our lives and shape our futures. Something that I’ve been reminding myself to work on lately is the power of positive communication.

The Power of Positive Communication

Here are some things I’m reminding myself about:

Focus on the positive

Every negative thing can be framed positively without losing substance. Yet, doing so renders your communication more encouraging and likely to empower people to real transformative life change. The change you want to see in others is more likely when you frame the issue positively than negatively.

Negative feedback doesn’t have to be negative

With a little thinking, you can get the job done communicating positively.

People close up when they are offended

That makes it difficult for you to help them see what you want to say. King Solomon said, “An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars.” If you want to correct someone and enhance your relationship with them at the same time, make sure you don’t offend them in the process!

Ask questions instead of giving commands

People don’t like to be told what to do. Instead of telling your assistant, “Get me some coffee on your way back.” You may ask, “Would you mind getting me some coffee on your way back?” You can be sure he will feel respected with the question than the command and you would still get your coffee too!

Only speak positive encouraging messages

If you can’t frame something in a way that will build someone up, then it’s better not to say it.

As I try to do these things every day, I believe I will be able to enjoy my life better and be able to do the most good before my time on earth is over.

Question: What things have you found to enhance the effectiveness of your communication? How can you change your communication so that you can positively impact others even more?

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