We all know about the power of culture and its impact on productivity within organizations. Great cultures enhance the employee experience, increases productivity, retention of staff and the bottom line.

Company cultures are created by people. Emotional, mental, social, and spiritual maturity among employees will definitely make for a better culture. But what are the fruits or signs that you should look for to know that individuals and groups are mature?

I offer the following fruits of maturity to look for:

  1. Love. This is a deep unselfish concern, affection, and care for other people especially their coworkers.
  2. Joy. They have inner joy; An exuberance about life. They have a song on their lips.
  3. Peace. Serenity.
  4. Patience. People develop a willingness to stick to things patiently.
  5. Kindness. They have deep compassion for others especially their team members.
  6. Goodness.
  7. Faithfulness. They are loyal and committed to other team members and to the mission and cause of the company.
  8. Gentleness. They don’t need to force their way in life, but able to marshal and direct their energies wisely.
  9. Self-control.

When you have employees that have these fruits, that exhibit these character traits and behaviors in increasing measure, you won’t ever have need to tell people what to do, warn anyone for not keeping up or even need rules. You will get the best company culture every.

The only people I see with these kinds of fruits are people who:

  1. Are surrendered to and live for a purpose that is greater than themselves.
  2. Know their unique DESIGN and their calling.
  3. Have a sense of deep meaning and feel that they themselves are doing meaningful work.
  4. Have a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people.
  5. Know that just like they have their own DESIGN and are unique and irreplaceable, others are that unique and irreplaceable.
  6. Are comfortable in their own skin and satisfied with their own gifts.
  7. Realize that it’s not about them. It’s about the team.
  8. Have an abundance mentality and know that life is not a zero-sum gain. They don’t lose anything when others prosper. In fact, it’s in their interest that others prosper.

The key is how do you help your people produce these kinds of fruits?


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