The Cs of communication provide a checklist for ensuring that your written and oral communication is clear and effective. You can apply it to your emails, reports, meetings, conference calls ,and presentations so that your audience gets your message.

The C’s of communication are:

  1. Clarity. Good communication must be clear so people can understand.
  2. Consistency. Most often, your people won’t get it if you said it once. You have to repeat it. It’s been said,  when a leader gets tired of saying something, the people are just beginning to hear it.
  3. Creativity. Use different modes of communication to get the same message across.
  4. Connection. Communicate to connect with people.
  5. Content. Content is king. Great content should be 1) Concise. 2) Concrete. 3) Correct. 4) Coherent. 5) Complete.

Use these Cs and your communication will improve.

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