We have the privilege of answering questions from many people who feel called into ministry, either to serve orphans, pastor a church, do missions, or serve in another capacity within a Christian ministry. Thousands of people come to our blogs each month. We believe they are sent by God to find answers. God is using the years of experience he has given us in Christian ministry to help others whom he is calling to serve him as well. We are really excited about that!

Identifying, Equipping, Sending, and Supporting

In line with this, the calling we believe God has given our ministry is unique and exciting. Instead of trying to grow the size of our ministry, we believe God has called us to develop young leaders. Our focus is to identify, train, send, and support young leaders who have a calling in missions, pastoring, orphan care, poverty alleviation, or another Christian ministry area so that they can go and serve God wherever he is calling them.

This point is worth emphasizing: We are excited that our focus is to identify, disciple, train, send, and support young people. Send them where? Wherever God wants them to go. We don’t tell them where to go or ask them to serve as part of our organization. Our call is to invest in them and help them become mature, competent leaders who know how to hear God well and serve him with excellence. Then, they can go wherever God leads them. Our desire is to support and pray for them as a family when that happens.

The goal is to use our years of experience in Christian ministry to help others serve God better so that together, we can raise the standards of Christian ministry effectiveness. The picture God has given us is to let others stand on our shoulders so that they can see farther and do more than we have been able to do. That will glorify God!

Refining Diamonds

We believe God’s people are like diamonds in the rough that need someone to polish them so they can shine brighter and brighter. They are good seeds that need to be planted into good soil where they can take root, grow, bloom, and bear fruit, where someone can water them and prune them so that they can bear more fruit. God uses other Christians to water and prune others. That is how he has always done it in the Bible and outside the Bible. And that’s how he does it today.

If you believe God is calling you to Christian ministry and you would like to get training, please apply for admission. We offer scholarships to make training affordable to all students regardless of their ability to pay. If you know someone else who is called to serve God and might benefit from training, please pass on this information to them.

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