Blog Posts – Start Here

This page contains some of our best articles and is a good place to start. The focus of our teaching ministry is training servants for Christ. Thus, you will see articles on our site on various topics to help us and our readers live as wise servants. Sample topics include habits in general (how to create good habits and break bad ones), decision-making, productivity, emotional health, happiness, general health, weight loss, Bible study, Orphan Care, etc. Most of the articles are written by our president, Dr. Kenneth Acha. As a medical doctor and theologian, his life mission is to help people live life to the fullest (live the good life).  Thus, we are always asking, how can we help us (as humans) live better lives? We are convinced that the only way to do this is by helping people live as wise servants for Christ. We use science and theology as tools to address the human condition in a holistic way and help us live better lives and achieve success. And unlike some, we see these two branches of learning as very compatible–hand in glove.

We have over one thousand articles on the site and continuously add to them. Don’t hesitate to join our Newsletter to get regular content that would add value to your lives.

Habits (In General)

Slim Fit Habits

Read more articles on Slim Fit Habits

Orphan Care

Calling & Work Habits

From Different Categories


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