Slim Fit Habits

Why do slim-fit people look the way they do?

Many people struggle with weight loss. The question I have studied for many years now is this: Why do slim people look the way they do, without even trying, while many of us struggle to lose weight without success? I have spent years observing myself as I have gone through my own weight loss journey, studied lots of slim-fit people, and read hundreds of books and journal articles on the subject. And I think I know why.

The answer will surprise and elate you. In most cases, it’s not their genes. Slim-fit people look the way they do because of their habits. That is great news because we can all develop these habits if we know what they are, have good strategies to go about them, and put in the work that is necessary.  If it were in only their genes and we just happened to have bad genes, we would be doomed!

On this Slim Fit Habits Page, you will find a lot of free resources to help you succeed in developing fit habits. If you want an intensive online program that will guide you to achieve your slim fit goals, then check out my 12-week Intensive Slim Fit Program (iSlimFit).

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