The Shaping Destiny Scholarship

Students receiving our Free Instruction who also want instructor assessment to earn a degree or certificate but cannot pay may apply for a Scholarship to cover their assessment fees.

Shaping Destiny Scholarship Guidelines

  • These guidelines are subject to change at Servants University’s discretion.
  • Scholarships are provided on a per-semester basis and as funding is available.
  • Complete and pass at least two personal enrichment courses. Students applying for Servants University must first take and pass at least two personal enrichment courses. This demonstrates that they can make the commitment it takes to benefit from the university versions of the courses that have more assignments.
  • Application for admission. New students must complete the application for admission into Servants University and pay the required admission fee (or apply for a reduction if they can’t afford it).
  • Personal statement. As part of the application for admission, students must write a 500-1000 word personal statement telling their story, calling to ministry, and how SU training would help prepare them. Use this page to submit your personal statement.
  • Thank-you letter. The scholarship is given by the Kenneth Acha Foundation (KAF), so in the first sub-term of their first semester, they must write a short thank you letter to KAF donors. This should be a 500–1000-word article telling their story, their calling to ministry, and how SU training is helping prepare them. Also, a short video of their story and thank you to donors as needed. Once every year after that, the student must write a thank you letter to KAF donors while in the program or at graduation if it’s one year from the last one.
  • Per semester offering. Every semester, the student must pray and offer any amount that God puts in their heart to support the effort of keeping education free. There is no minimum amount to this offering. If all God gives you is one cent, then he will gladly accept that. However, each student on this scholarship must do the best they can (i.e., give their best offering). We don’t want anyone going into debt. God wants to provide for all of us.
  • Volunteering duty. Students receiving this scholarship must be open to volunteering with KAF/SU to help as needed. Such students must complete the Student Volunteer Application Form as part of their application for the scholarship. Capable students may be asked to volunteer in the following ways: 1) Serve as teacher’s assistants for courses they have taken, 2) Work in administration to answer emails, help with the blog or social media, assist the fundraising team, etc.
  • Prayer requirement. Students must promise to pray to God for Servants University, its leaders, donors, and students. They will pray that what happens here will glorify God.
  • Advocacy requirement. In the first semester and every year thereafter, the student must pray and then talk to their parents/family members and their local church about what Servants University is doing and ask them to support that mission as God leads them. The student is not responsible for whether they donate or not but simply to pray and make an appeal.
  • Orientation. New students must go through orientation before being included in any class. Students who don’t finish orientation may not proceed.
  • Attendance. Students who skip a semester besides summer may lose their scholarships.
  • Grades. Students must maintain a B average to continue to qualify for the scholarship.

Students must also be able to:

  • Purchase books. Books will be provided free of charge for some courses, while students will need to buy books for other courses. When books need to be purchased, they would cost, on average, $20-50. These books are bought from Amazon or other booksellers, and no money is given to the University for them.
  • Have access to the internet.

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