On Thursday, May 21st, we are going to have the privilege of speaking with Johnny Carr, author of Orphan Justice and the first National Director of Church Partnerships at Bethany Christian Services, the largest adoption and orphan care agency in the United States. Johnny is going to Skype in with us from his home town of Pittsburg, Kansas and share about his orphan care experience, ministry work, and answer some questions that we hope will give guidance and wisdom to our audience.

Every Thursday evening from 6-8pm, Servants University and Shaping Destiny partner together to hold a weekly prayer and worship time where people can come and stand in the gap on behalf of orphans, the lost, and poor people around the world. They call it The Bridge.

Sometimes the evenings consist of full-on prayer and worship before the Lord, contending for the needs of others. Sometimes the group has small Bible studies, where they build each other up and learn more about following after Jesus. And sometimes they have guest speakers who share, teach, or shed light on different areas surrounding disciplemaking and orphan care practices.

We are extremely excited to have Johnny Carr join us for a brief interview on May 21st! The attendees of The Bridge will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with Johnny, but we don’t want to leave our wonderful online audience out! Not only will we be posting the full Skype conversation in an upcoming blog article, but we want to open up the opportunity now for any questions you may have that you’d like us to ask Johnny Carr during the interview.

Please submit your questions for Johnny Carr in the comment box below and be sure subscribe to our weekly updates sent straight to your inbox so you will be notified when the interview video and answers are posted later in the month!

Find out more about Johnny Carr.

Find out more about Johnny Carr’s book, Orphan Justice.

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