
Grades and symbols

Servants University operates on a semester basis using a 4-point grading scale as follows:

Grade Score Percent Rating
A 4.00 93 – 100 Excellent
A- 3.67 90 – 92.99
B+ 3.33 87 – 89.99
B 3.00 83 – 86.99 Above Average
B- 2.67 80 – 82.99
C+ 2.33 77 – 79.99 For everything below a B-, our teachers work with students to help them improve their grade to at least a B. Students who choose not to seek a better grade will get the grade they have earned.
C 2.00 73 – 76.99 Average
C- 1.67 70 – 72.99
D+ 1.33 67 – 69.99
D 1.00 63 – 66.99
D- 0.67 60 – 62.99 Pass (lowest passing grade)
F 0.00 0 – 59.99 Fail – No credit for coursework
X Officially Dropped: Course was dropped by drop date. It does not affect GPA and will not appear in the final transcript.
W Official Withdrawal: Student withdrew from Institution during the permitted withdrawal period. GPA is not affected. However, attempted credit is affected and will appear on transcript.
WF 0.00 Failure to officially withdraw. The student left class after the permitted withdrawal period. This is not an allowed withdrawal and will be counted as an F in the computation of the GPA.
I Incomplete (does not impact grade point average until completion or conversion to grade)
IP In progress – For projects spanning more than one trimester
P/F Pass/Fail Student is registered on the credit/no credit or pass/fail basis


To receive credit for a course, an undergraduate student must earn a grade of at least D. To include a course in the Program of Work for a graduate degree, a graduate student must earn a grade of at least C.

One of the following symbols may be assigned instead of a grade. Courses in which these symbols are recorded are not included in the grade point average.

CR Credit
NC No credit earned, non-graded
P/F Pass / Fail: Student is registered on the credit/no credit or pass/fail basis
S Satisfactory, credit earned, no effect on GPA
U 0.00 Not passing/Unsatisfactory, no credit earned, GPA is affected.
# (pound sign) Grade was not submitted in time for this report
TR Student transfers in credits from another institution.
NG Grade was not recorded by the instructor
AU Audit. Does not yield credit.

To receive the symbol CR, an undergraduate must earn a grade of at least D. To receive the symbol CR, a graduate student must earn a grade of at least C.


Taking a class pass/fail or credit/no credit

Students at Servants University may take some courses as pass/fail or credit / no credit. Students may choose to take a course pass/fail when they register for the course or after the semester has started. During the first two weeks of class, a student may request for the status to be changed.  The deadline for changing the status of a class to pass/fail or from pass/fail to a letter grade is the end of the second week of class.

The rules for taking classes pass/fail are as follows:

  • You must have completed 30 hours or more.
  • Only electives may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  • No course in the student’s major may be taken pass/fail, unless it is offered only on that basis.
  • No more than two (2) courses per semester may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  • A maximum of 15 hours total may be taken pass/fail for degree credit.
  • If a class is taken pass/fail and a grade of F is assigned the F will be averaged into the GPA.
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