Orphan Sunday is a day for Christians to stand for the plight of the orphan. Everyone is called to care for each other, to stand up for each other, and to help each other. But as Christians, we have an explicit call from the Lord to defend the fatherless. James tells us to look after the orphans in their distress…this is what God sees as pure religion.

In November, people all over the world host an Orphan Sunday event that is locally-led. Whether you’re a pastor who wants to dedicate your sermon, a small group leader who wants to share the call with your group, hold a concert or prayer gatherings, whatever you decide — you can inspire and encourage others to participate in God’s call to care for the orphan and what we can do in response.

Do you want to participate in hosting an Orphan Sunday event but don’t know what organization to designate your donations to? Contact our parent organization, Kenneth Acha Foundation, to partner with us and the orphan care work they’re doing in Cameroon, West Africa. They have an Orphan Sunday kit with tools for your church’s weekend services to tell the stories of children who have been orphaned and rescued, to understand God’s heart for the most vulnerable and other tangible ways to make a difference. 

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