Popular Non-Calvinist Christian Theologians and Figures

100 plus non-Calvinist Christian figures and theologians.

  1. Jacobus Arminius
  2. John Wesley
  3. Charles Wesley
  4. Billy Graham
  5. A.W. Tozer
  6. Grant R. Osborne, New Testament scholar and author of The Hermeneutical Spiral.
  7. William W. Klein, New Testament scholar and co-author of Introduction to Biblical Interpretation and The New Chosen People.
  8. Francis Asbury
  9. N.T. Wright
  10. Leighton Flowers
  11. William Lane Craig
  12. Ben Witherington III
  13. Richard Foster
  14. Dallas Willard
  15. C.S. Lewis
  16. Leonard Ravenhill
  17. Oswald Chambers
  18. Thomas Aquinas
  19. John Cassian
  20. Albertus Magnus
  21. Adam Clarke
  22. Richard Watson
  23. Origen
  24. John Chrysostom
  25. Gregory of Nazianzus
  26. Eusebius of Caesarea
  27. Justin Martyr
  28. Irenaeus
  29. Tertullian
  30. Clement of Alexandria
  31. Athanasius of Alexandria
  32. Gregory of Nyssa
  33. Pelagius
  34. Francis of Assisi
  35. Thomas à Kempis
  36. Teresa of Ávila
  37. John of the Cross
  38. John Climacus
  39. William Booth
  40. Catherine Booth
  41. Phoebe Palmer
  42. Dwight L. Moody
  43. Amy Carmichael
  44. F.F. Bosworth
  45. Smith Wigglesworth
  46. Oral Roberts
  47. T.L. Osborn
  48. Stanley Jones
  49. Howard A. Snyder
  50. Peter Wagner
  51. Clark Pinnock
  52. Norman Geisler
  53. Alister McGrath
  54. Philip Yancey
  55. Miroslav Volf
  56. Henri de Lubac
  57. Karl Rahner
  58. Walter Kasper
  59. Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
  60. Thomas Merton
  61. Richard Rohr
  62. Rowan Williams
  63. Brennan Manning
  64. Basil the Great
  65. Vincent of Lerins
  66. John Henry Newman
  67. Desmond Tutu
  68. G.K. Chesterton
  69. Stanley Hauerwas
  70. Brian Zahnd
  71. Jurgen Moltmann
  72. Wolfhart Pannenberg
  73. Hans Urs von Balthasar
  74. David Bentley Hart
  75. William J. Seymour
  76. Frank Bartleman
  77. Charles Finney
  78. Jack Hayford
  79. Frederick Buechner
  80. Leonard Sweet
  81. Tony Campolo
  82. Ron Sider
  83. Shane Claiborne
  84. Stanley Grenz
  85. Roger Olson
  86. Thomas Oden
  87. Daniel L. Segraves
  88. Jerry L. Walls
  89. David Wilkerson
  90. Tommy Tenney
  91. Ravi Zacharias
  92. Max Lucado
  93. John of Avila
  94. Andrew Murray
  95. Sadhu Sundar Singh
  96. M. Bounds
  97. George Fox
  98. John Bunyan (though some of his views are nuanced)
  99. Aiden Wilson Tozer
  100. W. Faber
  101. Catherine of Siena
  102. Julian of Norwich

This list is done to the best of my knowledge. If you discover a prominent person that shouldn’t be on that list, please let me know. If you find one that should be on the list and isn’t, also kindly let me know and provide some proof that they are non-Calvinist, and I will gladly add them to the list.

Also, note that some of these figures might hold views that are nuanced and don’t fit strictly within a “Calvinist vs. non-Calvinist” dichotomy.

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