Moodle Site backup

What needs to be backed up?

A Moodle system comprises three parts:

  1. The data stored in the database (For example, a MySQL database)
  2. The uploaded files (For example, site and course files uploaded via Moodle located in moodledata)
  3. The Moodle code (For example, everything in server/htdocs/moodle)

You can confirm where all these things are located in a Moodle installation by checking the config.php file.

  1. $CFG->dbname shows the database name
  2. $CFG->prefix shows the the database table name prefix
  3. $CFG->dataroot controls where the uploaded files are stored; and
  4. $CFG->wwwroot points to where the code is stored.

Generally speaking, the database (“dbname and prefix”) and the uploaded files (dataroot) are the two most important to copy on a regular basis. These contain information that will change most often.

The Moodle code (wwwroot) is less important as a frequent backup, since it will only change when the the actual code is changed through upgrades, addins and code tweaks. You can always get a copy of the standard Moodle code from so you only have to backup the parts you added or changed yourself.

Visit this Moodle Site Backup page for details.

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