Moodle: How to hide courses from students who are not enrolled

Are you using Moodle and want to hide courses from students who are not enrolled in them but are logged in?

How to display only enrolled courses in Moodle

To hide courses from students who are not enrolled, I did the following things and save the changes:

Step 1:

Site administration -> Front page settings -> Front page: None

Front page items when logged in: None


Step 2:

IF you want to remove from navigation panel, do below settings:

Site administration ->Appearance -> Navigation -> Uncheck “Show all courses

When you do the above steps, “All Courses” will still be showing under the “My Courses” blog on the Navigation. And students can still go through that to view all the courses.

To solve that problem, do the following:

Step 3:

Site administration > Plugins > Blocks > Courses > Hide ‘All courses’ link.

Uncheck that and viola, the courses are all hidden from the students except for the ones they are enrolled in.


***Note that a brand new user to a Moodle site, who has not enrolled in any course, will see the block title as “Course Categories” in the Navigation and will be able to open that and see all the courses and will be asked to enroll.

The avoid them from never seeing that, keep them perpetually signed up to one of the courses, like the Orientation Course.


You may be able to solve the problem of needing to keep someone perpetually signed up into a course by Hiding Categories as shown below. I haven’t tried it to see if the solution is effective or not.

Hiding categories
Categories may be easily hidden or shown via Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories and clicking the ‘eye’ icon of the category you wish to hide. Hidden categories are only visible to site administrators or those with the capability to “view hidden courses”.

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