The Power of God’s Word Stored in Your Heart and Mind

“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 ESV

Memorized scripture is our weapon of mass destruction in spiritual warfare. It is our greatest weapon of spiritual warfare. John Piper calls memorized scripture our “Deadliest Weapon Against the Devil”.

Memorized scripture:

  1. Is our deadliest weapon of attack in spiritual warfare. The word of God is the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6). Not only so, it is the basis for all the other pieces of the armor of God in Ephesians 6. When you memorize scripture, you will be able to do what Jesus did to overcome the devil when he tempted him, “It is written…”. Three times Satan tempted Jesus, and all three times he said, “It is written and quote the scripture he had memorized in his mind.” Spiritual warfare is real and Satan is using his deception and attacks to ruin your life, family, church and community. The sword of the spirit which is the word of God is how you attack him and stop him.
  2. Facilitates meditation. It makes meditation possible at times when you are not able to read the Bible. Meditation is has tremendous benefits to the believer. When the Bible calls us to meditate on his word day and night, how can one do that except they have memorized the word of God?
  3. Reveals God’s will; Helps us know God’s will. As we meditate on God’s will under the illumination of the Holy Spirit, God’s will is made known to us.
  4. Enables us to hear God’s voice.
  5. Renews my mind, making it easy to test and discern what God’s will is (Romans 12:2). At the same time, it helps me easily detect what is not God’s will and so avoid the evil ways and errors of the devil.
  6. Shifts my mental paradigm. Memorized scripture shapes the way I see the world. It becomes like a new pair of glasses that allow me to see the world the way God sees it. It gives me God’s viewpoint on things in life.
  7. Builds my faith in God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When you’ve memorized God’s word, it lives in your mind for you to hear it repeated when you call upon it and hear it in your head.
  8. Teaches me the ways of God.
  9. Gives me a language to speak with God.
  10. Sanctifies and spiritually forms my soul..
  11. Lights my path and keeps me from sin. When temptation comes, God’s word is right there to counter the lies of the father of lies and the deceiver of the brethren.
  12. Gives me words to speak to encourage others in need. Prov 25:11 says, “The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl.” When you have memorized scripture, any time you stumble on a person in need, you will have the right word to speak to their situation.
  13. Empowers my prayer.



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