Master of Divinity in Biblical & Theological Studies

Core Courses (30 credits)

MINS 509 Christ & the Mission of Peacemaking & Reconciliation
MINS 615 Principles of Biblical Leadership
MINS 647 Pastoral Care and Counseling
MINS 520 Partner Raising: Fundraising for Nonprofit Ministry
MINS 612 Spiritual Counseling
MISS 501 Introduction to Christian Missions
MINS 504 Starting a Ministry
MISS 515 Seeking Revival
MISS 505 Following the H.S. into Disciplemaking
MINS 635 Public Speaking and Homiletics


Biblical and Theological Studies Major (42 Credits)

BIBL 501 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods
BIBL 504 Old Testament Survey
BIBL 505 New Testament Survey
BIBL 615 John
BIBL 623 Planning and Creating Bible Curriculum and Instruction
BIBL 625 The Mission, Message, and Life of Christ
BIBL 630 The Ministry Life and Letters of Paul
THEO 501 Systematic Theology I
THEO 502 Systematic Theology II
THEO 506 Spiritual Formation
THEO 508 Experiencing the God of the Bible
THEO 625 Apologetics
THEO 520 Life & Godliness
MISS 639 Church Growth


Credits Required to Graduate: 72 Credits

Average Time to Complete: 2 Years Full-Time

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