Love and Spiritual Formation

Love is at the heart of the Christian God and the Christian faith. Growing into the image of Christ is an activity of learning to love daily. It is a journey with the Holy Spirit as he forms our souls into the image of Love.

Gwenfair Walters Adams, Ph.D. “Spiritual formation involves growing in love for and worship of the Triune God, conforming to the image of Christ, and experiencing intimacy with Him.” [1]

Bill Miller, “I am convinced that Christian spiritual formation should always, at its core, be about learning to love, especially when loving others is uncomfortable or challenging.” [2]



Sources in Turabian Style

[2] Adams, Gwenfair W. “Spiritual Formation for Ministry.” Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Last modified 2017.; Gwenfair Walters Adams, Ph.D. is a Professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

[2 ]Bill Miller, “Love and Spiritual Formation,” in Foundations of Spiritual Formation: A Community Approach to Becoming Like Christ, ed. Paul Pettit (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic, 2008), 163.

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