The following information from a Saddleback pastor describes their approach to selecting life group leaders. I don’t agree with it completely, but there are some lessons to be learned about making criteria for life groups too restrictive.

“What are your small group leader qualifications? Do you have some interview questions that you prefer? Let us know in the comments!

Saddleback Church has a pretty unusual approach to determining who would make a small group leader. They believe that just about anyone with at least two friends can be a host. How does this work without collapsing into chaos? Find out more from Pastor Steve Gladen of Saddleback church as he talks about their HOST strategy.

HOST is an acronym that stands for

  • H – Have a heart for people
  • O – Open up your home (or some other place) to your group
  • S – Serve a snack.
  • T – Turn on a video

The barrier to entry is literally at the ground level, but they have a pretty extensive infrastructure to lead and encourage the hosts to grow. This video comes from the ALIGN course, which is available for purchase at… Or you can subscribe to ALL ACCESS and get all of the Small Group Network’s courses for $49 a month or $400 a year. It is a churchwide license and even includes half off all in person events such as the Lobby and in person training like Align and Accelerate. For more info, check out”

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