
The following hardcopy books were in my library in June 2015 when I packed to move from Austin. Total, 341.

Church Planting, Evangelism, & Disciplemaking

  1. Morey, Tim – Embodying our faith.
  2. Chan, Francis – Multiply
  3. Cho, Dr. Paul Yonggi – Successful Home Cell Groups
  4. Comfort, Ray – The Way of the Master
  5. Conn, Harvie – Planting and Growing Urban Churches
  6. Cordeiro, Wayne – Doing Church as a Team
  7. Earley, Dave & Wheeler, David – Evangelism is…
  8. Eims, LeRoy – The Lost Art of Disciple Making
  9. Fay, William – Share Jesus Without Fear
  10. Gladen, Steve – Small Groups with Purpose
  11. Hesselgrave, David – Planting Churches Cross-Culturally
  12. Jackson, Dr. John – High Impact
  13. Kreider, Larry – What Every Small Group Leader Should Know
  14. Kreider, Larry – Authentic Spiritual Mentoring
  15. Kreider, Larry & McClung, Floyd – Starting a House Church
  16. Macchia, Stephen – Becoming a Healthy Church
  17. Malphurs, Aubrey – A New Kind of Church
  18. Malphurs, Aubrey – Developing a Vision for Ministry
  19. Malphurs, Aubrey – Planting Growing Churches
  20. McRaney, Will Jr. – The Art of Personal Evangelism
  21. Rainer, Thom – Breakout Churches
  22. Roberts, Bob Jr – Transformation
  23. Searcy, Nelson & Thomas, Kerrick – Launch, Starting a New Church from Scratch
  24. Sherman, Amy L. – Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the common good.
  25. Silvoso, Ed – That None Should Perish
  26. Simpson, Michael – Permission Evangelism
  27. Stetzer, Ed – Planting Missional Churches
  28. Stetzer, Ed & Putman, David – Breaking the Missional Code
  29. Street, R. Alan – The Effective Invitation
  30. Towns, Elmer Stetzer, Ed & Bird, Warren – 11 Innovations in the Local Church
  31. Warren, Rick – The Purpose Driven Church
  32. Adelaja, Sunday – Church Shift
  33. Castellanos, Cesar – Foundations
  34. Castellanos, Cesar – Leadership
  35. Castellanos, Cesar – The Key to Multiplication
  36. Castellanos, Cesar – Vision
  37. Seibert, Jimmy – Passion and Purpose
  38. Seibert, Jimmy – The Church Can Change the World

Bible Study/ Hermeneutics

  1. Carson, DA – Exegetical Fallacies
  2. Hendricks, Howard & William – Living by the Book
  3. Hendricks, Howard & William – Living By the Book Workbook
  4. Virkler, Henry – Hermeneutics
  5. Warren, Rick – Bible Study Methods
  6. Zuck, Roy – Basic Bible Interpretation
  7. Zuck, Roy – Rightly Divided
  8. Arthur, Kay – Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days
  9. Bullinger, EW – How to Enjoy the Bible
  10. Bullinger, EW – Number in Scripture
  11. Bullinger, EW – Word Studies on the Holy Spirit
  12. Carpenter, Glen – Connections: A Guide to Types and Symbols in the Bible
  13. Conner, Kevin – Interpreting the Symbols and Types
  14. Deane, Andy – Learn How to Study the Bible
  15. DeHaan, MR – The Tabernacle
  16. Habershon, Ada – Study of the Types
  17. Haberson, Ada – Outline Studies of the Tabernacle
  18. Jackson, JB – A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names
  19. Lahaye, Tim – How to Study the Bible For Yourself
  20. Lucado, Max – Becoming a Student of God’s Word
  21. MacArthur, John – How to Study the Bible
  22. Mayhue, Richard – How to Study the Bible
  23. Nee, Watchman – How to Study the Bible
  24. Sandy, Brent & Giese, Donald – Cracking Old Testament Codes
  25. Scott Jr, J. Julius – Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament
  26. Stringfellow, Alan – Through the Bible in One Year
  27. The Navigator Bible Studies Handbook
  28. Traina, Robert – Methodical Bible Study
  29. Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis – Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest.
  30., book.

Systematic Theology, OT & NT Survey

  1. Grudem, Wayne – Systematic Theology
  2. Grudem, Wayne – Bible Doctrine
  3. Erickson, Millard – Christian Theology
  4. Erickson, Millard – Introducing Christian Doctrine
  5. Arnold, Bill & Beyer, Bryan – Encountering the OT
  6. Carson, DA & Moo, Douglass – An Intro to the NT
  7. Lasor, William Hubbard, David & Bush, Frederic – The Message, Form, and Background of the OT
  8. Lea, Thomas & Black, David – The NT, Its Background, and Message
  9. Smith, Shawn – Experiencing the Powers of the Age to Come
  10. Koessler, John – True Discipleship
  11. Kreider, Larry – Biblical Foundation Series 1-12
  12. Murdock, Mike – The Wisdom Commentary 1
  13. Murdock, Mike – Wisdom for Winning
  14. Backlund, Steve – You’re Crazy if You Don’t Talk to Yourself

Spiritual Formation #1

  1. Anderson, Neil – Praying by the Power of the Spirit
  2. Anderson, Neil – Winning Spiritual Warfare
  3. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich – The Cost of Discipleship
  4. Bridges, Jerry – The Practice of Godliness
  5. Chan, Francis – Crazy Love
  6. Chan, Francis – Forgotten God
  7. Cymbala, Jim – Fresh Faith
  8. Cymbala, Jim – Fresh Wind Fresh Fire
  9. Deere, Jack – Surprised by the Voice of God
  10. Downing, Jim – Meditation
  11. Finney, Charles – Holy Spirit Revivals
  12. Finney, Charles – How to Experience Revival
  13. Gire, Ken – Windows of the Soul
  14. Hansen, Collin & Woodbridge, John – A God-Sized Vision
  15. Towns, Elmer – Fasting for Spiritual Break Through
  16. Towns, Elmer – Praying the Lord’s Prayer
  17. Tozer, AW – The Purpose of Man
  18. Tozer, AW – Tozer Speaks
  19. Virgo, Terry – The Spirit-Filled Church
  20. Wiersbe, Warren – The Best of AW Tozer
  21. Willard, Dallas – Hearing God
  22. Wesley, John – How to Pray
  23. Packer, JI – Keep in Step with the Spirit
  24. Platt, David – Follow Me
  25. Platt, David – Radical Together
  26. Stanley, Charles- How to Listen to God
  27. Stanley, Charles – The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life
  28. Storms, Sam – The Beginners Guide to Spiritual Gifts
  29. Kent, Trey – Revival Cry
  30. Kreider, Larry – Authentic Spiritual Mentoring
  31. Kreider, Larry – Hearing God 30 Different Ways
  32. Meyer, Joyce – How to Hear from God
  33. Miller, John – QBQ
  34. Morris, JN – Renewed by the Word
  35. Murphy, Ed – The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare
  36. Hinn, Benny – Good Morning Holy Spirit
  37. Hinn, Benny – Kathryn Kuhlman
  38. Hinn, Benny – The Anointing
  39. Hinn, Benny – Welcome Holy Spirit

Spiritual Formation #2

  1. Acha, Ken – Christian Meditation
  2. Anderson, Neil – The Bondage Breaker
  3. Anderson, Neil – Victory Over the Darkness
  4. Barry, Michael – The Forgiveness Project
  5. Berding, Kenneth – Walking in the Spirit
  6. Calhoun, Adele – Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
  7. Cloud, Dr. Henry & Townsend, Dr. John – Boundaries
  8. Earley, Dave – Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders
  9. Foster, Richard – Celebration of Discipline
  10. Henry and Richard Blackaby – Experiencing God
  11. Guinness, OS – The Call
  12. Chan, Francis & Lisa – You and Me Forever
  13. Chun, Dan – How to Pick a Spouse
  14. Jakes, TD – Let it Go
  15. Kendall, RT – Total Forgiveness
  16. Murray, Andrew – The Practice of God’s Presence
  17. Nee, Watchman – Spiritual Authority
  18. Neusner, Jacob – Making God’s Word Work
  19. Packer, JI – Concise Theology
  20. Packer, JI – Knowing God
  21. Packer, JI – Praying
  22. Piper, John – Bloodlines
  23. Piper, John – Brothers, We Are Not Professionals
  24. Piper, John – Desiring God
  25. Piper, John – Don’t Waste Your Life
  26. Piper, John – Let the Nations be Glad
  27. Stanley, Charles – The Gift of Forgiveness
  28. The Essential Works of Andrew Murray
  29. Torrey, RA – Power-Filled Living
  30. Torrey, RA – Prayer and Faith
  31. Tozer, AW – The Pursuit of God
  32. Tozer, AW – The Root of the Righteous
  33. Yohannan, KP – Reflecting His Image

Spiritual Formation #3

  1. Aygei, Ahmad – Sharing the Love of Christ with Your Muslim Neighbors
  2. Colbert, Don – Fasting Made Easy
  3. Cunningham, Loren – Making Jesus Lord
  4. DeMoss, Nancy Leigh – Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness
  5. Eggerichs, Dr. Emerson – Love and Respect
  6. Finley, James – Christian Meditation
  7. Keller, Timothy – The Prodigal God
  8. Khan, Adam – Principles for Personal Growth
  9. Phillips, Michael – Make Me Like Jesus
  10. Prince, Joseph – Health and Wholeness through Holy Communion
  11. Scott, John – Basic Christianity
  12. Warren, Rick – Everything is Possible with God DVD & Study Guide
  13. Warren, Rick – Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth am I Here For?
  14. Yohannan, KP – Living in the Light of Eternity
  15. Yohannan, KP – The Road to Reality
  16. Yohannan, KP – Touching Godliness
  17. Alcorn, Randy – Money, Possessions, and Eternity
  18. Batterson, Mark – Be a Circle Maker
  19. Cho, David Yonggi – Prayer that Brings Revival
  20. Cho, David Yonggi – The Holy Spirit, My Senior Pastor
  21. Franklin, Jentezen – Right People, Right Place, Right Plan Devotional
  22. Graham, Billy – Storm Warning
  23. Johnson, Jan – When the Soul Listens
  24. Lucado, Max – Shaped by Grace
  25. Murray, Andrew – 199 Treasures of Wisdom on Talking with God
  26. Prince, Joseph – Spiritual Warfare
  27. Prince, Joseph – The Benjamin Generation
  28. Prince, Joseph – Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth


Church Fathers and Miscellaneous Christian books

  1. Kempis, Thomas à – The Imitation of Christ
  2. Piper, John & Grudem, Wayne – Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
  3. D’Souza, Dinesh – What’s so Great About Christianity
  4. Maxwell, John & Graves, Stephen, et al – Life @ Work: Marketplace success for faith people
  5. Malphurs, Aubrey & Willhite, Keith – Handbook for Wedding & Funerals
  6. Cloud, Dr. Henry & Townsend, Dr. John – Boundaries in Marriage
  7. Kreider, Larry & Seiber, Jimmy – The 3 Loves
  8. Seavey, Burton W. – Christian Meditation: Doorway to the Spirit
  9. Burpo, Todd – Heaven is for Real
  10. Gundry, Stanley N. & Crockett, William – Four Views on Hell
  11. Gundry, Stanley N. & Crockett, William – Are Miraculous Gifts for today? Four views
  12. Blessit, Arthur – The Cross
  13. Ferguson, Everett – Church History Volume One: From Christ to Pre-Reformation
  14. Liftin, Bryan M. – Getting to know the Church Fathers: An Evangelical Introduction
  15. Whitefield, George – Sermons of George Whitefield
  16. Smither, Edward L. – Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders
  17. Hall, Christopher A. – Learning Theology with the Church Fathers
  18. Kaiser, Walter C. – The Messiah of the Old Testament
  19. Tappert, Theodore G. – Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel
  20. Haugh, Kenneth C. – Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict
  21. Castellanos D., Cesar – The Family Seminar Level 1 Student’s Guide, Adults
  22. Strobel, Lee – Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary
  23. Franklin, Jentezen – Fasting: Opening the door to a deeper, more intimate, more powerful relationship with God.
  24. Strobel, Lee – The Case for Christ
  25. World Vision – The Poverty & Justice Bible
  26. Miller, Basil – George Muller: Man of Faith and Miracles
  27. Peale, Norman Vincent – Power of Positive Thinking
  28. Prince, Joseph – Right Place, Right Time
  29. Grouplink – Community: Your Pathway to Progress
  30. Morton, Scott – Funding Your Ministry (two copies)

Liftin is used by Liberty for History; Ferguson can be used for History I also.

Peacemaking, Negotiation, etc.

  1. Ury, William – The Power of a Positive No.
  2. Cialdini, Robert B. – Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
  3. Lederach, John Paul – Preparing for Peace
  4. The Arbinger Institute – The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict
  5. Weeks, Dudley – The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution
  6. Fisher, Roger & Ury, William – Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without giving in
  7. Ury, William – Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations
  8. Harvard Business Essentials – Negotiation
  9. Carnegie, Dale – How to win friends and influence people
  10. Cialdini, Robert B. – Influence: Science and Practice
  11. Sande, Ken – The Peacemaker
  12. Coleman, Peter T. & Deutsch, Morton et al. – The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice

Orphan Care

  1. Adeney, Miriam – God’s Foreign Policy
  2. Corbett, Steve & Fikkert, Brian – When Helping Hurts
  3. Darke, Phillip & McFarland, Keith – In Pursuit of Orphan Excellence
  4. Davis, Katie – Kisses from Katie
  5. Easterly, William – The White Man’s Burden
  6. Finley, Bob – Reformation in Foreign Missions
  7. Leach, Richard & Wheeler, David – Minister to Others
  8. Mandryk, Jason – Operation World
  9. Moyo, Dambisa – Dead Aid
  10. Mueller, George – Answers to Prayer
  11. Muller, George – Release the Power of Prayer
  12. Myers, Bryant – Walking with the Poor
  13. Pakroo, Peri – Starting and Building a NonProfit
  14. Sirolli, Ernesto – How to Start a Business and Ignite Your Life
  15. Stearns, Richard – The Hole in our Gospel
  16. The Sphere Project
  17. Tripp, Tedd – Shepherding a Child’s Heart
  18. Yohannan, KP – Revolution in World Missions
  19. Yunus, Muhammad – Building Social Business


  1. Blackaby, Henry and Richard – Spiritual Leadership
  2. Blanchard, Ken & Hodges, Phil – Lead Like Jesus
  3. Brookhiser, Richard – George Washington on Leadership
  4. Brown, Les – It’s Not Over Until You Win
  5. Brown, Les – Live Your Dreams
  6. Buckingham, Marcus & Coffman, Curt – First, Break All the Rules
  7. Covey, Stephen – The 7 Highly Effective People
  8. Covey, Stephen – The Speed of Trust
  9. DePree, Max – Leadership is an Art
  10. Drucker, Peter – Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  11. Ferris, Timothy – The 4 Hour Work Week
  12. Goulston, Mark – Just Listen
  13. Lafley, AG & Martin, Roger – Playing to Win
  14. Lapin, Rabbi Daniel – Thou Shall Prosper
  15. Porter, Michael – Competitive Strategy
  16. Ramsey, Dave – The Total Money Makeover
  17. Ramsey, Dave & Cruze, Rachel – Smart Money Smart Kids
  18. Renz, David – Nonprofit Leadership and Management
  19. Robinson, Ken – The Element
  20. Sanders, J Oswald – Spiritual Leadership
  21. Sinek, Simon – Start with Why
  22. Sirolli, Ernesto – Ripples from the Zambezi
  23. Wooden, John – The Greatest Coach Ever
  24. Ziglar, Zig – Top Performance
  25. Andersen, Erika – Growing Great Employees
  26. Andrews, Andy – The Butterfly Effect
  27. Andrews, Andy – The Noticer
  28. Andrews, Andy – The Traveler’s Gift
  29. Barna, George – The Power of Vision
  30. Bennis, Warren – On Becoming a Leader
  31. Christensen, Clayton – How Will You Measure Your Life
  32. Collins, Jim – Good to Great
  33. Galloway, Dale – Leading with Vision
  34. Gerstner, Louis – Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance?
  35. Harkavy, Daniel – Becoming a Coaching Leader
  36. Hess, Edward – Grow to Greatness
  37. Johansson, Frans – The Medici Effect
  38. Malphurs, Aubrey – Being Leaders
  39. Malphurs, Aubrey – Building Leaders
  40. Maxwell, John – 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
  41. Maxwell, John – 5 Levels of Leadership
  42. Maxwell, John – Attitude 101
  43. Maxwell, John – Be a People Person
  44. Maxwell, John – Everyone Communicates Few Connect
  45. Maxwell, John – Go for Gold
  46. Maxwell, John – How to Influence People
  47. Maxwell, John – Leadership 101
  48. Maxwell, John – Leadership Gold
  49. Maxwell, John – Mentoring 101
  50. Maxwell, John – Relationships 101
  51. Maxwell, John – Talent is Never Enough
  52. Maxwell, John – The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player
  53. Maxwell, John – The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader
  54. Maxwell, John – Equipping 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know
  55. Maxwell, John – How Successful People Think
  56. Munroe, Dr. Myles – The Principles and Power of Vision
  57. Ramsey, Dave – Entre Leadership
  58. The US Army Leadership Field Manual
  59. Tracy, Brian – Paid to Speak
  60. Wooden, John – Wooden on Leadership


Dreams and Visions

  1. Driscoll, Jim & Mapes, Zach – Dreams
  2. Goll, Jim – The Seer
  3. Jackson, John – Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit
  4. Milligan, Ira – Understanding the Dreams You Dream
  5. Milligan, Ira – Understanding the Dreams You Dream II
  6. Stone, Perry – How to Interpret Dreams and Visions
  7. Welton, Jonathan – The School of the Seers

Concordances, Dictionaries, and Handbooks

  1. Halley, Henry H. – Halley’s Bible Handbook
  2. Elwell, Walter A. – Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
  3. MacArthur, John – The MacArthur Topical Bible
  4. Smith, Jerome H. – The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
  5. Vine, W.E. – Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testa. Words
  6. Schwandt, John & Collins, C. John – The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear NT
  7. Bullinger, E.W. – A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English & Greek NT
  8. Thayer, Joseph H. – Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament


  1. Brenton, Lancelot – The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English
  2. MacArthur, John – The MacArthur Bible Commentary
  3. The Companion Bible
  4. The Complete CS Lewis Signature Classics
  5. The Drake Annotated Reference Bible
  6. Whiston, William – Josephus The Complete Works
  7. Wiersbe, Warren – The Wiersbe Bible Commentary NT
  8. Wiersbe, Warren – The Wiersbe Bible Commentary OT
  9. Zondervan’s NIV Nave’s Topical Bible

English Greek/Hebrew Lexicons, etc.

  1. Rodale, J.I. – The Synonym Finder
  2. Thurman, Susan – The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need
  3. Mead, Frank S. – 12,000 Inspirational Quotations
  4. Ammer, Christine – The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms
  5. Wigram, George V. – The Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament
  6. Brown, F. & Driver, S. et al. – The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
  7. Wigram, George V. – The Englishman’s Greek Concordance of the New Testament
  8. Achebe, Chinua – Things Fall Apart
  9. Eldredge, John – Wild at Heart
  10. Verghese, Abraham – My Own Country
  11. Verghese, Abraham – Cutting for Stone
  12. Picoult, Jodi – My Sister’s Keeper
  13. Branson, Richard – Losing my virginity
  14. Alcorn, Randy – Does the Birth Control Pill Cause abortions
  15. Thomas Nelson – God’s Promises for every day, NCV
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