“Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
The Bible is clear that we should test everything that we receive and keep what is good and reject what is bad. I encourage you to read this article as well: Testing prophecies: How To Test Every Word You Receive.

How does one go about testing prophecies or any other word that claims to be from God? Note that included in this category are ideas that one has that he/she is considering implementing in their life or ministry. In a fundamental sense, there are only two sources of information, God or the devil. I know that some ideas come from our own minds. However, they are either inspired by God or the devil or either praises God or the devil. There is no neutral ground.

Below, I share some questions that one should ask themselves. Many of these questions come from the discipleship book, Called & Committed: World-Changing Discipleship, by David Watson and published by Harold Shaw Publishers, Wheaton, IL; 1982), pp. 109-110

The followed questions (published as is) should be asked.

“1. Does it glorify Christ? The prophecy may not mention Christ by name, but does the whole message honor and glorify him? This is always the Spirit’s primary work (John 16:14; 1 Cor. 12:1-4).

2. Does it edify the body of Christ? Seven times in 1 Corinthians 14 Paul emphasizes this point when discussing spiritual gifts, especially tongues and prophecy.

3. Is it in accordance with the Scriptures? If we twist the Scriptures, we do so to our own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16).

4. Is the prophecy given in the spirit of love? This is the hallmark of the Spirit’s presence, even in correction or rebuke.

5. Is Jesus Lord of the speaker’s life? A false prophet will be known by the fruits of his or her life, said Jesus (Matt. 7:15:15-20).

6. Does the speaker submit to the church leaders? Strong personalities with independent spirits caused splits and divisions in the New Testament church, and do so today. Paul warned the Ephesian elders about those “from among your own selves” who would draw away disciples after them, and so divide the church of God (Acts 20:29-30).

7. Does the speaker allow others to judge the prophecy? Such weighing should be the rule, not the exception (1 Cor. 14:29).

8. Is the speaker in control of himself when speaking? The speaker may be “taken over” by an evil spirit, but that is never the mark of the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 12:2ff, contrast the passive “moved” and the active “speaking”; see also 14:32).

9. Is the prophecy fulfilled, if it speaks about some future event? Most prophecy is forth-telling, not foretelling. A Christian prophesying will normally “tell forth” God’s word as encouragement or exhortation for the whole congregation. Only on rare occasions will prophecy predict some future event When it does, the biblical test is in the prophecy: fulfillment, or lack of it (Deut. 18:22).”




David Watson, Called & Committed: World-Changing Discipleship, (Harold Shaw Publishers, Wheaton, IL; 1982), pp. 109-110



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