If you’re following along in our Hosting a Fundraising Event series, we’re now entering into the last couple steps of strategy. Why is any of this important to you? Well, if you are attempting to start or run a non-profit, care for orphans, and advocate for those in need…fundraising is crucial to enabling your programs to continue and your ministry to grow.

By now, you’ve set your goaldetermined where you will set up, and considered how you will succeed. Now, you will be establishing what capabilities you’ll need for this event.

Capabilities have to do mostly with the type of people on your team. These could be staff members, a planning committee, or a group of volunteers. More specifically, the capabilities you’ll need are specific skills and talents that people bring to the table. For example, you may need someone who has customer service experience or a friendly demeanor to handle the registration table at your 5K. You may also determine that you need a great promoter to help spread the word about your gala and invite the right people. And while you definitely want the right people on your team with the right skills, having a group of “superstars” is not enough. Each of the capabilities needs to work together and collaborate in the right way.

Determining these capabilities will help you choose the proper actions that are needed as you prepare and plan for your fundraising event. If you know you need to spread the word and get people to register for your event, then you would know you need someone with the capability of mobilizing, encouraging, and marketing. This will then lead you to build the right team and lead your team to plan how they’re going to get people to attend. Use the following questions to get you on the right track of determining the necessary capabilities:

  • How are we going to spread the word? >> We need a promoter or someone in charge of posting flyers, making calls, inviting individuals
  • What marketing or promotional materials do we need? >> We need someone with design skills to create flyers or handouts, make a Facebook event or social media graphic
  • How will people register or sign up? >> We need a team member who has basic knowledge of creating landing pages, sign-up forms, accepting payments, etc.
  • How are we going to pay for upfront costs? >> We need someone who is passionate and outgoing, perhaps with a sales background, to approach businesses or individuals to sponsor the event
  • Who will help ensure the event runs smoothly? >> We need a coordinator who can manage volunteers. These people need to be friendly, approachable, flexible, available, and great representatives of the cause.

These are just some of the questions that you should be considering that will help you plan effectively. What other capabilities do you think you may need? Comment below to share your insights…

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