“Faith without works is dead” James, the brother of Jesus.

We set goals every year. Very few of us ever achieve them. Ever wonder what stands in the gap between our dreams and goals and actually achieving them? This article points out the missing link, helping you gain a new perspective that can help turn on the light bulb and help you start achieving your goals.

I love to point out the relationship between spirituality and great work. I think for you who know the famous quote from James, the brother of Jesus, “Faith without works is dead,” you will quickly get the point I am making in my title, “Goals without daily living standards are dead.”

Related article: Faith is vision.

It is common knowledge to most fans and students of success that goal setting is a crucial part of success. It’s hard to find a successful company that doesn’t have a vision and goals.

Every new year, many of us make resolutions and set goals. Unfortunately, within a few weeks, most people have fallen off the bandwagon. We know inwardly what setting goals should help us accomplish our dreams. But most of the time, it doesn’t. My research and personal experience have helped me to discover that the missing links for most people between their goals and achieving them is defining clear daily living standards. To achieve our goals and move from where we are today to where we need to be, we need to raise our standards.

Goals without Daily Living Standards are Dead. Our vision or goals are dead if we do not raise our daily living standards. The success of every great leader can be found in their daily habits. Their daily living standards determine their success. Vision is important but without a continuously increasing daily living standards, the vision is dead.

“Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world.” – Nelson Mandela.

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