
Key: Evangelize to expand the kingdom.

Expand the Kingdom by bringing new people into it.

Evangelists grow the team by going out, recruiting the best talent, and investing in developing them to become productive team members.

We hire and develop A-plus talent.

We will do anything, short of sin, to make disciples.

We don’t merely maintain, we multiply.

 Evangelism brings people into the organization. Discipleship helps them grow within the organization. Disciple-making = Evangelism + Discipleship. In a sense, all our core values are disciplemaking values. In fact, all the activities we engage in make us into disciples of Christ. This core value reminds us to intentionally practice disciplemaking.

Jesus instructed his disciples, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

Within the Greek text of these verses, there is one imperative command – make disciples – and three participles describing how we do it: go, baptize, and teach.

Go means you go out and recruit new team members. Baptizing means you bring them into the family, onto “Team Jesus.” Teaching means you help them learn the way of the team–the core values, culture, expectations, etc.,– so that they can quickly become fully productive team members. This disciple-making command is essentially a team-building command. It’s a command to grow Jesus’ team in quantity and quality. This kind of disciple-making is relevant to any organization.

Disciple-makers act as evangelists who sell the organization and give people a reason to join it and as mentors who teach new members how to become a productive part of the team.

While every team member is called to be intentionally involved in evangelism, the way that looks like on a day-to-day basis will be different for each person according to their role and their gifts. Each team member must work with their supervisors to clarify how they are expected to participate in evangelism inside and outside of the organization.

Key Behaviors

  • Grows the team by recruiting new team members. Acts as the evangelist who helps bring talented people into the organization.
  • Invests in helping team members grow (discipleship)
  • Does everything, short of sin, to grow the team.
  • Acts as the discipler who helps them grow into productive team members.

Q: How am I helping to enlist and empower people to grow as team members?


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