When you have to make an important decision, checking for alignment with your strengths and strategy is a very helpful thing to do. It helps you narrow down the choices.

Does this decision allow you to use your strengths more? When faced with multiple options, for example, prioritize your strengths. Choose the options that employ your strengths.

A friend of mine wanted to choose between practicing outpatient medicine, inpatient medicine, and a combination of both. He was a very bright physician, performed in the top 1 percentile on board exams and was very good in both settings. He could do either setting, however, he was stronger in outpatient medicine. When he went through WISE PATH he saw that his strengths lay more with outpatient medicine.

Also, ask, does this decision fall in the area of your strengths? If this is not in your area of strength, should you even be taking on the responsibility to make this decision? Is there someone better than you who can take responsibility for this decision and has the strengths to make it?

If you have to choose between two or more options, choose the path that aligns the most with your strengths or DESIGN?

Also, ask, does it align with your strategy?

While we are talking about strengths and strategy, do you even have a life or work strategy? If so, does this decision align with your overall strategy?

Do a SWOT analysis if necessary. Go through the steps of strategy and see how your decision might fit into your overall strategy from mission, vision, values, to fulfillment.

Ask yourself: Does this decision align with my strengths?  Is it in line with my strategy?

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