Format symbols

Here are some common GIFT symbols and their use.

Symbols Use
// text Comment until end of line (optional)
 ::title:: Question title (optional)
text Question text (becomes title if no title specified)
[…format…] The format of the following bit of text. Options are [html], [moodle], [plain] and [markdown]. The default is [moodle] for the question text, other parts of the question default to the format used for the question text.
{ Start answer(s) — without any answers, text is a description of following questions
{T} or {F} True or False answer; also {TRUE} and {FALSE}
{ … =right … } Correct answer for multiple choice, (multiple answer? — see page comments) or fill-in-the-blank
{ … ~wrong … } Incorrect answer for multiple choice or multiple answer
{ … =item -> match … } Answer for matching questions
#feedback text Answer feedback for preceding multiple, fill-in-the-blank, or numeric answers
####general feedback General feedback
{# Start numeric answer(s)
answer:tolerance Numeric answer accepted within ± tolerance range
low..high Lower and upper range values of accepted numeric answer
=%n%answer:tolerance n percent credit for one of multiple numeric ranges within tolerance from answer
} End answer(s)
\character Backslash escapes the special meaning of ~, =, #, {, }, and :
\n Places a newline in question text — blank lines delimit questions

Here are some quick examples:

// true/false
::Q1:: 1+1=2 {T}

// multiple choice with specified feedback for right and wrong answers
::Q2:: What's between orange and green in the spectrum? 
{ =yellow # right; good! ~red # wrong, it's yellow ~blue # wrong, it's yellow }

// fill-in-the-blank
::Q3:: Two plus {=two =2} equals four.

// matching
::Q4:: Which animal eats which food? { =cat -> cat food =dog -> dog food }

// math range question
::Q5:: What is a number from 1 to 5? {#3:2}

// math range specified with interval end points
::Q6:: What is a number from 1 to 5? {#1..5}
// translated on import to the same as Q5, but unavailable from Moodle question interface

// multiple numeric answers with partial credit and feedback
::Q7:: When was Ulysses S. Grant born? {#
         =1822:0      # Correct! Full credit.
         =%50%1822:2  # He was born in 1822. Half credit for being close.

// essay
::Q8:: How are you? {}

See the Moodle documentation link above for details.

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