A student taking one of the courses I teach at Servants University wrote me the following note. My response to her reminded me of a crucial role that knowing our DESIGN plays. Several years ago, I created a tool called DESIGN to help people find their God-given calling. I’ve written extensively on the subject and taught my students for years now. However, I don’t frequently emphasize the fact that knowing one’s DESIGN not only helps us to discover our calling but also helps us confirm our calling. As a result, in moments of doubt which always ultimately come when we face challenges, we will know for sure that we are walking in our calling. Everyone who walks in their calling goes through moments when they face challenges and are tempted to wonder whether they indeed were called to their vocation or if they had simply imagined or dreamed up their calling. The best defense against despair and hopelessness in those situations is confirmation with our DESIGN that we are designed just for the work that we are doing.

The student wrote:

“Hello, Doctor Acha,
I have just come upon your DESIGN, and though I am sure I am where I am supposed to be, I still like to know how God “fitted” me for this calling. I guess, it is because some times I find myself wondering if I imagined all of this. My faith in God and how He has continued to guide me through, has made a big difference in how I respond when doubts assail. I trust that if this is of God, He will show me, equip me and lead me on.
Thank you!”

My response to the student:

“Hello, _____
About DESIGN, I trust that you will find it useful if you take the time to go in-depth with each step. Satan will always tempt us to doubt our identities and calling. Using the DESIGN tool allows you to grow in your self-awareness in addition to uncovering how God uniquely designed you. Understanding your design helps you see how the dreams He has given you to serve others, the experiences He has put you through, the interests and passions He has given you to serve others, your gifts (natural and spiritual), as well as your nature (personality),  are all testifying in agreement with the Spirit’s leading to confirm the voice of the Spirit that has called you to your area of service. DESIGN, as such, not only helps us uncover our calling but also helps to confirm it so strongly that when the devil tempts us, we are not swayed by waves of doubt because we know who we are and where God has called us aligns with who we are.”

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