The Ten Commandments – Mnemonic

My mnemonic for the ten commandments is: NIVSH MAST-C or  GIVSH MAST-C or GIVSH -MASTE The mnemonic gives you the ten keywords in the verses that help you remember the ten commandments in order. No other Gods Idol Vain Sabbath Murder Adultery Steal Testify falsely...

Praying the Psalms

I have been looking for a way to group the psalms into topics that I can use as some sort of table of content when I need to quickly select a psalm to meditate and pray. I stumbled on a site called Creative Prayer that has done something similar, though a little...

Legalism and Discipline in prayer

This article is written by by Pastor John Piper The word “legalism” does not occur in the Bible. But it comes from the word “legal,” which relates to “law,” and the Bible has lots to say about law. Legalism is a certain attitude toward God’s law. Or, more generally,...
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