One Book Experts

Do you remember the young man who read a book on missions and afterwards felt deeply moved, completely qualified, and ready to dive into the adventure of overseas missions? Do you remember the young woman who read a book on adoption and orphan care and watched a few...

Strategy For Triaging Orphans

If you are called to serve in the area of orphan care, whether it is family-based care, adoption, or orphanage care it is essential that you understand how to triage children. You are not going to be able to provide care that is best for every child in your community...

Community-Based Orphan Care

“How do you take care of 15 million orphans and children at risk? This is Africa’s challenge, and it’s not just a problem for governments, NGOs and Oprah Winfrey. Most of Africa’s orphans are from Christian communities, confronting the global Church with one of...
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