Imagine a World Without Orphans

Jedd Medefind, President of CAFO, urges, “We must always work to see children cared for in ways that are as close as possible to the ideal of permanent, loving family.” We all agree that the best place for a child is in a home, with a loving family that can provide...

Passion That Blinds

We all know what it feels like to be passionate. We are all passionate about something, whether it matters or not. As I have gotten to reflect on passion, I have discovered that passion is like a very vigorous horse that is able to carry the rider to victory or to...

Father to the Fatherless

This post is written by Tony Chimento, an instructor at Servants University. Tony is an associate pastor at a church in Round Rock, TX and has been teaching for over 15 years in church settings. If you want to know what the fastest growing segment of society is, you...

Free CAFO Webinar July 22nd

Attention friends! There is an upcoming free webinar give by CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans) this Wednesday, July 22nd at 2pm EST! A growing number of organizations are pioneering new models that transition children from orphanages into family-based care. Join...
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