by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | BUSINESS, Leadership
In my experience, having an owner mindset is one of the most significant determinants of success in anything you do. An owner sees the company as their newborn baby. They love it like that are committed to seeing it grow up to be something great. Consider Jennifer, a...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership
They know that learning is led by the student, not the teacher. I know an ineffective teacher. He didn’t set out to be ineffective but he was. He was passionate about teaching and sacrificed a lot of his time to teaching his students. He loved teaching so much...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership, Minimalism, SLIM FIT, WORK AS CALLING
Research from multiple institutions and publications is confirming the age-old truth that having a sense of meaning and purpose in life is associated with well-being and a longer lifespan. As with many things in the social sciences, we already knew this. People live...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership
Check out this TED talk by Dr. Alia Crum at Stanford that shows the power of mindset. As you watch, be thinking about how changing your own mindset can help alter where you’re going, what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it. Watch the video...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | COACHING, WORK AS CALLING
I love to see when research confirms things that we already intuitively know. It helps provide evidence for helping people who still have some doubts. In this 2013 article, the “results provide evidence for how commitment to a purpose in life enriches the daily...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership
This morning, I taught my 7-year-old son how to vacuum the floor. He did a really good job. It took me at least three times as long as it would have if I had just vacuumed the house myself. In my estimation, I will need to supervise him vacuum two or three more times....