Hiring Checklist

Hiring Checklist

The following advice is from Lazlo Bock (Google’s V.P. of People), Lori Goler (Facebook’s V.P. of People), John Maxwell (author & leadership expert), Steve Jobs (founder of Apple computers), Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Guy Kawasaki...

Where to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Are you overwhelmed with work and would like some help? Want to delegate some duties to others so that you can free some time to spend with loved ones?  With the internet, it’s very easy to find a virtual assistant who can help you do a one-time project or work...


The Core Competencies of Nonprofit Chief ExecutivesHire Only People Who Are Better than You!How to Conduct InterviewsBoards of Advisors vs. Board of DirectorsTen Qualities of Great Board MembersHow to Hire Great Members for Your Board of DirectorsHow to Grow A...
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