Bible without verses and Chapters

The Bible was not written with Chapter and Verse divisions. These are very helpful in writing dissertations, papers, commentaries on the Bible but can be very detrimental for simple bible reading and meditation. They add a lot of mental load.

Bible Acrostics

Acrostics for Bible Study P.R.A.Y.  1) Praise and worship (with thanksgiving), 2) Reconcile (Repent, confess, forgive, and pursue reconciliation in all areas of life), 3) Ask God what you desire that is according to his will, 4) Yield (Yield or surrender to...

Bible Study Tools

Choosing a Bible Translation Not all bibles are the same. All translations have weaknesses and strengths. No bible is good for every purpose, so we often need more than one translation in our reference library. The strengths of the various translations can be tapped...
Introduction to How to Study the Bible

Introduction to How to Study the Bible

In my professional work, one thing I have heard over and over again is people asking me, “what would you do?” When faced with a tough situation, with something they want to know, they often don’t want me to tell them what the book says should be done. They want me to...
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