
Key: Pursue simplicity. Declutter and maximize what matters. Declutter, focus on what really matters, do more with less–Deep excellence allows you to go deep with less. Some favorites quotes. “In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme...

Growth Mindset

Key: Pursue growth through continuous learning. “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52 NIV “Be prepared in season and out of season.” 2 Timothy 4:2 Today’s learners are tomorrow’s leaders. Learning beats knowing....


Key: Evangelize to expand the kingdom. Expand the Kingdom by bringing new people into it. Evangelists grow the team by going out, recruiting the best talent, and investing in developing them to become productive team members. We hire and develop A-plus talent. We will...

Passion (Love)

Key: Be passionate about God, self, and others (through the work we do). Out of the abundance of a man’s heart, the mouth speaks. A) For Spiritual Formation Love is the sum of all righteousness. Our passion for God, people, and work comes from fully experiencing...

Intentional Leadership

Key: Think ahead, foresee challenges, and create a winning strategy. We think ahead, considering our next step before it’s time to take it. We look ahead, foresee danger (or change, challenges, etc.), and take precautions to stay ahead. “A prudent man foresees...
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