The Attributes of a Servant

Several years ago, I decided to search scriptures to discover what attributes define the image of Christ that as a Christian I was supposed to grow into. I did this for my personal growth and to teach students that were coming through Servants University, where I...

Praying Warriors

As praying warriors, our praying and our fighting are motivated by our passion for Jesus, the people we serve, and the work we do. What are praying warriors? Praying warriors are people who have a passion for Jesus, the people they serve, and the work they do. That...


Key: Foster a culture of praise, fun, thanksgiving, and generosity. We will never take God’s blessings for granted. We will always show gratitude. PRAISE (or PRAISE GOD) is our tenth core value. It gives a mouthpiece to the first nine. In the first nine core...

Relationship (Kingdom Teamwork)

Key: Build Kingdom Relationships for Kingdom purposes. Build Kingdom Relationships (with God, self, and others) for a Kingdom purpose that is Upward, Inward, and Outward. Our relationships power effective teamwork. God created us for teamwork (relationship). We are...

Excellence in Service

Key: Deliver WOW through selfless service. Make everything better not only by bringing our personal best but also by bringing our collective best. Insist on the high standards. Deliver results. Deliver WOW by standing on the shoulders of giants that went before us....
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