by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Minimalism
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Paul of Tarsus Paul wasn’t referring to minimalism when he made that statement. Yet, I think minimalism at the core is a spirit. It is a spirit of freedom from...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership
A lot of times, when we do something, whether it is composing a song, writing a book, creating an artwork, food in a restaurant, in fact, any product or service you can think of, we want to do it in a way that appeals to everyone. We act as if everyone should matter...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | NEXT
“Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.” –David Allen Starting and not finishing things, that is a huge source of stress. If you’re like me,...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | BUSINESS, Leadership
In my experience, having an owner mindset is one of the most significant determinants of success in anything you do. An owner sees the company as their newborn baby. They love it like that are committed to seeing it grow up to be something great. Consider Jennifer, a...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | PRODUCTIVITY
I recently heard a short talk by Eduardo Briceño that got me thinking about the content of this post. He talked about learning and performance zones. I think preparation is a better word than learning to describe this pre and post performance phase. Preparation...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Orphan Care
We came across an interesting study about how children play and which items seem to provide a better play experience. Many people would think that bigger and better toys would equate to a bigger and better play time, however this study found that children played more...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership
They know that learning is led by the student, not the teacher. I know an ineffective teacher. He didn’t set out to be ineffective but he was. He was passionate about teaching and sacrificed a lot of his time to teaching his students. He loved teaching so much...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | NEXT
I recommend you watch this talk by Julie Lythcott-Haims
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | BUSINESS
Selling is the most important job in the world. No matter what you do, you cannot succeed without selling. There are many great products that no one ever gets to use because they were not sold well. There are many talented singers whose voices are never heard because...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Leadership, Minimalism, SLIM FIT, WORK AS CALLING
Research from multiple institutions and publications is confirming the age-old truth that having a sense of meaning and purpose in life is associated with well-being and a longer lifespan. As with many things in the social sciences, we already knew this. People live...