Acrostics for Bible Study

  • P.R.A.Y.  1) Praise and worship (with thanksgiving), 2) Reconcile (Repent, confess, forgive, and pursue reconciliation in all areas of life), 3) Ask God what you desire that is according to his will, 4) Yield (Yield or surrender to God’s will).
  • ACTS (Adore, Confess, Thanksgiving, Supplicate & Submit): Use this to guide your prayer times. You start by adoring God, then confessing any wrongs, thanksgiving, and end with supplication and submission of your needs to God’s sovereign will.
  • MVP (Memorize, Verbalize, Personalize): You memorize a scripture, then you verbalize it by saying the scripture out loud or muttering it to yourself. Then, you personalize that scripture and put yourself in the setting.
  • MVP (Meditate, Visualize, Pray):  You meditate on a bible passage, then you visualize it as though you were there, then you pray for God to apply the scripture to you to transform your life.
  • MEDITATE (Memorize, Eat it, Duration of time, Internalize it, Teach it, Apply it, Think about it, Express it.)
  • PRAY (Pray, Rest, and Abide in Yahweh): This is a mnemonic that helps you focus on living life in the new covenant of God’s grace. You pray without seizing, labor to enter God’s rest, Abide  in Yahweh so that you can bear fruit.
  • GRACE (God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense): Helps remind the Christian about how we have received all of God’s riches at Christ’s expense (Christ died so that we can have this privilege).
  • SOS (Study, Observe, Share):  You study the bible, do what it says, and teach others (share). See one, do one, teach one. That is a phrase that senior medical doctors teach medical students. You see how a case is done (you learn by seeing it, observing), then the next time, you do it under supervision, then the next time you teach someone else how it’s done. That’s how learning is done.
  • SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound): That is how you should set your goals. In Bible study, your application needs to be goals that are SMART.
  • SPACE PETS (Sin to Confess, Promise to claim, Attitude to change, Command to Obey, Example to follow, Prayer to pray, Error to correct or avoid, Truth to believe, Something to praise God for.) This is helpful in meditation–it is useful to remind you of how to take action on the information you have meditated upon. The MEDITATE mnemonic above helps you get the information in.
  • PRECEPTS (this is an alternative to SPACE PETS above): Prayer to pray, Reason to praise, Error to avoid, Command to obey, Example to follow, Promise to claim, Truth to believe, Sin to Confess).
  • LIGHTS (Literal Interpretation, Illumination by the Holy Spirit, Grammatical Principles, Historical Context, Teaching Ministry, Scriptural Harmony). This acrostic gives six principles of Bible interpretation. There are more than six principles but it helps you remember the first six.



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