The Three Truths

We see in part, know in part, and speak partial truths.  Every time two people or groups are engaged in communication, there are always three versions of truth. Absolute truth – reality as it truly is. My truth – my perception of absolute truth, which can,...

Don’t kid with your demons!

Here is a true story. There was a woman who struggled with quitting smoking for a long time. Then she finally made it and quit smoking for a whole year. On the one-year anniversary of her quitting smoking, she decided to smoke just one stick of cigarette to celebrate....

It took my mechanic just one minute!

A few days ago, my old Honda accord gear got stuck in the parking mode. When I started the car, it wouldn’t move from park to drive. After some frustration, I watched a YouTube video that taught me that the brake light switch was broken. It showed me a makeshift...
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