by Kinglove | Uncategorized
Peace There is only one way for a believer to live in peace. That is to live in the will of God for his life. You know God’s will by “renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is”4. Jesus Christ is our Prince of Peace. We find peace in him. In...
by Kinglove | Uncategorized
Success in everything![i] If you are like most people and would love for God to give you a guaranteed strategy for success, then look no further. God has given all believers two simple steps for guaranteed success in life. If you do these steps faithfully, you will...
by Kinglove | BIBLE STUDY, Featured
In my professional work, one thing I have heard over and over again is people asking me, “what would you do?” When faced with a tough situation, with something they want to know, they often don’t want me to tell them what the book says should be done. They want me to...