by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | EXAMS AND QUIZZES Format symbols Here are some common GIFT symbols and their use. Symbols Use // text Comment until end of line (optional) ::title:: Question title (optional) text Question text (becomes title if no title specified)...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | EXAMS AND QUIZZES, Moodle and Wordpress
14 Rules for Writing Multiple-Choice Questions (From Writing Good Multiple Choice Test Questions (from Vanderbilt) The following is republished from Multiple-choice questions—also known as fixed...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | EXAMS AND QUIZZES, Moodle and Wordpress
We recommend creating quizzes and exams by using the GIFT Format instead of tediously creating the questions one by one in Moodle. The GIFT format is more robust and allows you to create all sorts of questions e.g. Multiple choice questions (with one or multiple right...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Turabian and Chicago Format
“When beginning to quote a source from somewhere in the sentence other than the first word, as a general rule, introduce the quote with “that”. For example, Paul explained that “your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 6:19b). “When beginning to...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Turabian and Chicago Format
The following is from Turabian, 9th Edition, as is. “15.2.1 Situations Requiring Citations Chapter 7, particularly 7.9, discusses in depth when you should cite materials from other sources. Briefly, you should always provide a citation in the following...