by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | WORK AS CALLING
Our calling is often found at the intersection of three indicators: Passion, Poverty, & Proficiency. Having any single one of them alone doesn’t mean that’s your calling. Having two of them also doesn’t mean that’s your calling. Having all three of them also...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | Bible Study Methods
This video shows how God-fearing scholars meet together to deliberate on how to translate a single word, slave. This illustrates how a modern-day translation committee works. In this specific case, they are the ESV translators working on the latest edition of the...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | SLIM FIT
When should I stop eating? Listen to your body and eat until you are satisfied, then stop. Eat until you are 80% full. Not 100% full. Your stomach is the size of a loosely clenched fist. Don’t eat to prevent hunger. Hunger is not bad. You can always eat later when you...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | SLIM FIT
In the quest for weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one critical factor often overlooked is the ability to distinguish between hunger and thirst. This seemingly simple skill can have a profound impact on your eating habits, overall health, and success in...
by Dr. Kenneth Acha, MD, DMin. | PUBLIC SPEAKING
The PREP framework is an easy and effective way to give a short, impromptu speech. If you have ever been called up to speak at short notice, you know how stressful it can be. PREP is an acrostic that stands for Point, Reason, Example, and Point. Point (claim): The...