If you want to know us, you need to start with knowing our students because we exist to serve them and the calling of God on their lives.
About our students
- Our students come from all walks of life and are united by their shared commitment to serve God in diverse roles and contexts. Our students include pastors, missionaries, orphan care workers, teachers, healthcare professionals, business leaders, stay-at-home parents, and people from all walks of life who take courses to enhance their ability to serve God.
- In fact, some of our students are teachers at Servants University! For example, Dr. Jennifer Turley‘s first course at Servants University wasn’t the fantastic Nutrition course she teaches. Not at all; her first course at SU was our Peacemaking course, which she thoroughly loved and found that it blessed her and strengthened her walk with Christ.
- Our students live and work all over the globe. They live in many different states in the USA, African countries (like Ghana, South Africa, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, etc.), European countries (like the U.K., etc), Southern American countries (like Honduras), and the Caribbeans, etc,
- Their passion for the mission and purposes of God in the world unites and drives them. Many of our students are currently on the mission field. And the information they learn in their courses helps them with their daily mission-driven work. Others are preparing themselves to go out and do the will of God for their life.
- Many were drawn to SU because the call of the Lord Jesus spoke to their hearts, saying, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:37-38). Many prayed earnestly to the Lord of the harvest. To some, His word became in their hearts like a fire, a fire shut up in their bones. It made them weary of holding it in; indeed, they could not. Like the prophet Isaiah, who “heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?‘”, they also came to their own moment of truth–each in their own way. Just like Isaiah had said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV). They also said yes. Then, they began to search for a place that the Lord could use to prepare them. When they discovered SU, they knew this was the way they should go. And they’ve never looked back.
- For others, the call to SU wasn’t so dramatic. They came simply because they wanted to learn and grow.
- Our students feel called to be orphan care workers, missionaries, pastors, and Bible teachers and expositors, etc. Others just want to grow spiritually and learn how to become more effective in their area of ministry. As such, you will see them studying in our degrees and certificate programs like Ministry to Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Missions, and Biblical and Theological studies, etc.
- They believe that God wants to use them to make a mark on the globe and are choosing to pursue life God’s way.
- Although all their classes are done online, they are connected within local churches and ministries that give them a face-to-face community to supplement their vibrant online learning community.
About our teachers and staff
- Our teachers and staff have the evangelistic and service heart and zeal of Jesus and Paul. They are not the kind of professional teachers who limit themselves to teaching and grading students. Oh, no! They also have heard the voice of the Spirit saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:37-38). Their calling is to partner with the Lord of the harvest to multiply the number of laborers sent to the harvest field. They are like their Lord Jesus, who went out and recruited the right disciples for his team. Then, he spent almost three years to train them. When training was done, he sent them into the world to make disciples of all nations. Because of this deep evangelistic and discipleship commitment to student procurement and development, they are some of the best spiritual mentors and coaches you can find today.
- They see their work as worship and labor to identify only those students that God wants to come to SU. When they teach, they see their teaching as one offering a living sacrifice to God. It has to be without blemish and be a sweet smelling aroma to God.
- They are very experienced in ministry, are active practitioners, and come from diverse backgrounds and countries.
About the University
- We are a vibrant community of passionate people (students, staff, teachers, etc) who believe that every Christian is called to ministry and deserves to be fully equipped to fulfill that calling.
- We believe that our work is our worship and seek to equip people to become better worshipers of God through their work.
- We believe that missions and the teaching of the word of God ought to be done with excellence and urgency.
- We believe in challenging the status quo and innovating new ways to serve God and people better.
- We believe that orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) deserve the best standards of care possible. As a result, Servants University (SU) made history by becoming the first institution of higher learning in the world to ever offer degree and certificate programs in the care of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). And today, it continues to be the premier institution advancing education in the care of OVC based on biblical principles. In addition to its robust Christian OVC degree programs, SU also offers degrees in Christian Missions and Biblical and Theological studies.
- We see a future where everyone everywhere the Lord calls to Christian ministry is being reached and taught with excellent, flexible, and affordable programs that prepare and empower them to deliver the highest standards of service in OVC care, missions, and the teaching of the word of God.
- We are an online institution of Christian higher education that prepares Christians for a lifetime of service. It provides training to students who feel called into full-time ministry or who simply want to grow in their relationship with Christ or learn how to interpret and apply the Bible better.
- As an online institution, Servants University provides students with a rich, practical, Bible-centered education that prepares them for a Christ-like life and ministry regardless of their area of calling. Some students join SU to be trained to effectively study God’s word, grow spiritually, and to experience God in their daily lives in a powerful way while pursuing their God-given area of calling. Others join to get pastoral training, missionary training, orphan care training, and training in many other areas of Christian ministry. The range of training SU provides is broad and meets the needs of all our students.
- Our goal is to produce graduates whose lives are transformed by knowing God deeply, filled with the Holy Spirit, driven by a passion for God’s glory, who are making reproducing disciples and serving the poor ( i.e., the materially, emotionally, socially, and spiritually poor). To put it differently, Servants University helps students ignite their passion for serving God in their area of calling. We help our students clarify their purpose, gain mastery in their area of calling, and develop the autonomy they need to work with the Holy Spirit to direct their own lives and ministry.
- Everything we do at Servants University is motivated by our belief that every Christian is a minister and deserves to be fully equipped for the work of ministry regardless of their area of calling. For some, preparation for ministry maybe by taking a few classes through SU so that you can dig deeper into God’s word. For others, it is taking one of SU’s Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs.
- We believe that even though we are all ministers, we are called to different areas of ministry. Some are called to be teachers, pilots, nurses, bankers, and farmers. Others are called to be clerks, grocery store workers, marketers, stay-at-home moms, pastors, missionaries, etc. Regardless of your area of calling, SU has something that will help you grow spiritually and do your work of ministry more efficiently.
- Servants University is an independent Christian institution and is not affiliated with a particular denomination. Our faculty and students come from a variety of denominational and non-denominational backgrounds. We encourage this diversity and believe it enhances the effectiveness of the body of Christ.