To me a doctor is a healer of the world. His heart, mind, body and soul want to heal the sick and relieve pain no matter where it is. And by sick, I don’t simply mean physically sick. I mean, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc.

I take love to the patients that I see with the same force, compassion, and conviction as I help orphans through my nonprofit, Shaping Destiny.

With the same heart and urgency, I mentor and coach young people, especially the underprivileged. I do so because I know that if they can identify their gifts and develop them, if they can choose college over drugs, then their lives and health will be enhanced and prolonged.

We know that your zip code has more impact on your health status than having regular yearly check up visits with your primary care doctor. Income level is the greatest determinant of health. When I know that, I see working with the poor as healing them from something that is at the root of many diseases that would kill them.

A doctor is a healer of the world. Wherever healing is needed, there the heart of a doctor will be drawn. Yes, I know that specialization is good. We may teach our hands and minds specialized skills but there is no school that can teach a heart that wants to heal the world to become specialized. It heals wherever it turns.

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