How to Start a Coaching Business Without Experience

I recently watched the following Marie Forleo video about how to start a life coaching business without experience. In it, a 20-year-old who has been devouring everything she can see on the topic of business coaching and believes she has the know-how–but no real world experience–asks her if he business knowledge counts for anything and what she can do.

Marie’s answer is very helpful. She talks about her own experience. Even though she had a degree in business finance, she volunteered her services and coached any businesses who would accept her for free. She advises the young 20-year-old woman to volunteer her services for free of charge. She recommends working with 12 companies in 12 months. She should learn everything about them and know what they were making before she started and track their growth as a result of her work with them. Then after she has proven results working with companies, those can become real testimonies for her. She would have real-world experience and confidence to coach other business. In addition to that, businesses that she has produced results for would be happy to pay her to continue to coach.

I think this is an excellent way to get real-world experience and build one’s CV in any area.

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