At Servants University, everything we do is motivated by our belief that orphans and poor people deserve the highest standards of care possible. We are driven by the dream that one day, orphans will be perceived with the same dignity and value that we perceive our own children.

When our perception of orphans changes, our treatment of them will follow. We are also motivated by our belief that together, as a global community, we can raise the standards of care for every child on the planet because every soul matters.

We are the first institution in the world to offer college-level training in orphan care. Come learn from our group of expert instructors and multi-disciplinary curriculum and get trained in the best practices and principles of effective poverty alleviation, orphan care, and disciple-making.

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“For many years I have known God was calling me to serve the orphans and the less privileged in my community but I couldn’t figure out how to go about. God brought light and orientation to this calling through ABI. I had to repent for causing more harm than help to the needy I tried to assist before taking this course because I realized I really did harm them instead of helping.” – Olivia

“This class has been an amazing experience. Not only have I learned so many things, I’ve grown more in these last eight weeks in my relationship with God than I have in a really long time. This class has rocked my prayer life!” – Margeaux

“Learning through Servants University was one of the most eye-opening and practically applicable things I have ever experienced. I would definitely recommend this school to anyone who desires to broaden their understanding of scripture, theology, different cultures, and relationships with practical biblical teaching and solid curriculum.” – Sunny

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