I just watched the following video by business coach, George Kao, and reviewed the accompanying article. George had a Christian upbringing and includes elements of that in his practice. He says on a daily basis, he does three things.

  1. Reboot – He stops and recalibrates. He reboots at least 3 times every working day, and it takes less than a minute.
  2. Read – Read inspiring spiritual literature or consume inspiring content. Read also includes listening to podcast or audiobooks, and watching youtube/online videos.
  3. Reframe – Reframe negative experiences into a positive light. He cites an example of his writing of the blog post below. His computer went into a 30-minute reboot. Instead of being anxious, he reframed it and focused on his virtue of the day which was flexibility and resourcefulness. Each day, he has a different virtue assigned.

I actually prefer the order, read, reboot, reframe because it reminds me of getting up in the morning and doing my morning meditation (reading, worship, prayer, etc) and then rebooting and reframing throughout the day. For whatever it’s worth, it’s also aphabetical.

How George Reboots
In his article, he describes the following reboot process:
“I do at least 3 times every working day, and it takes less than a minute. It’s easy throughout the day to fall into the illusion, constantly, that whatever project in front of me is “really important.” It’s easy to lose perspective of the greater whole. The Reboot can quickly bring me back to a higher view. It’s a simple way to connect to my deeper values. If I start neglecting the practice, I ask: Do I have 1 minute every hour or three for God / Purpose / Truth / Mindfulness? A resounding YES. However, it takes intentionality to remember to do this. It is a habit that needs to be cultivated — and it’s totally worth it.
I’ll describe my current Reboot technique. It continues to change as I change. I encourage you to come up with your own process, which may look totally different. Or you can try mine and see if it fits your style.
Step 1: (I literally take a step while doing this.) I hold my hands to my heart.
I take a gentle, deep breath and as I do, I imagine breathing in Love.
(I have a strange personal belief that the Universe is made of Love, so this idea of “breathing in Love” is meaningful for me. If that doesn’t make sense to you, then find a practice that is deeply meaningful to your worldview.)
As I breathe out, I think “Total Security.”
(I believe that is the truth for my soul and for everyone. It’s truly going to be OK, and it already is.)
Step 2: I take another step, and continuing to hold my hands to my heart, I breathe…
I breathe in Love once again.
As I breathe out, I say “May Your Loving Will be done.” (This is influenced by my Christian upbringing. My personal belief is that God’s true will is ultimate Love… more loving and wise than I can understand. God wants the very best for me — and everyone — and that Destiny is indeed secure. This is why it’s meaningful to me to wish for God’s will in my life. Again, you may need to modify this practice for your worldview.)
Step 3: I now put my arms down, open in a receiving way, and I breathe…
I breathe in Wisdom, believing that it is also what the Universe is made of, and it is literally always available to me, if I am open enough to receiving it.
I breathe out Wisdom, imagining it is coming out of my pores, a symbol of me acting in Wisdom today.
Step 4: I put my palms together, gently held to my chest, and I breathe…
I breathe in today’s virtue.
I switch my virtue focus each day. I listed them in my blog post about life purpose: https://medium.com/@georgekao/purpose-of-life-to-be-happy-c2dc1ecbfc02
I breathe out the activation of that virtue in my life today. That’s it.”

I place of George’s reboot, I have personally found Positive Truth Affirmations to be helpful on a daily basis.

Read the rest of George’s article and watch his video below.

Article: https://medium.com/@georgekao/my-3-spiritual-personal-growth-practices-e19ed14108e9

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