Ask Dr. Kenneth

Do you have questions about Christian Life, Relationships, and Health? Dr. Kenneth and his team would love to help you answer these and many more.

When you ask a question, we will create a short YouTube video or blog post that addresses your question. If we know other articles, videos, or resources that answer your question, we may point you to them. The questions you ask determine the answers you get and the problems you tackle. These determine your impact. We want to help you on that journey.

Questions can be about the following and more:

  • The Christian Life (and Spiritual growth)
  • The Bible (and Theology)
  • Relationships (Love, Dating, Marriage)
  • Leadership, Calling, and Work
  • Peacemaking and conflict resolution e.g. How to handle conflict with your spouse
  • Health
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Ministry leadership
  • Serving the Poor
  • How to thrive on your job as a Christian professional or worker
  • Knowing and doing God’s will and making wise decisions
  • And much more

Ask a Question Today

To ask a question, simply go to our YouTube channel and ask your question as a comment to our most recent video. Then subscribe to the channel so that you will be able to get future videos that may include your response if we choose to do a video to answer it. If your question is of a very personal nature and you want to maintain privacy, you can email it to us through the Contact Page of this website. Click below to go to the YouTube channel.

Ask a Question and Subscribe to the Channel


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