Knowing your design is how you figure out your purpose (your why) and your calling (element). Below, I share 5 ways to increase your knowledge of yourself and your ability to discover and co-create your design. These were first introduced to me through a lecture by Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church. Since then, I’ve found them to be both useful and supported by prevailing social science research.

1. Study yourself. Become a student of your own life.

2. Trial and error. Try out many different job types to see if you uncover any hidden talents.

3. Ask others (trusted friends, mentors, and coaches). Others can objectively see things in us that we may not notice in ourselves. Let trusted individuals in your life be a mirror for you.

4. Reflect/Meditate. Reflect, meditate, and journaled on your story, your past.

5. Training. Take courses on the subject of self-awareness.

For more on this subject, see my article, 4 Powerful Ways to Become More Self-Aware.



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