Former California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a moving talk on his 5 rules of success. Below, I share them with you and encourage you to watch the video.

  1. Find your vision, and follow it.
  2. Never ever think small. Think Big.
  3. Ignore the naysayers.
  4. Work your ass off.
  5. Don’t just take. Give back.

Everything the governor said is common knowledge. Every leadership book you read teaches the same thing in different ways. Religious texts like the Bible teach the same thing as well.

However, something that many leadership books don’t address is that there is something that must come before your vision. If you don’t have it, there is a big chance that you will not succeed.

That crucial thing is finding your calling. Your calling considers and includes your vision but it is more. Your calling takes into account your gifts and talents and your dreams and passions. It considers who you are as a person and what your values are.

Related Article: 6 Keys to finding your calling or element.

We can’t simply become successful at anything we choose to do. There are millions of children who want to be like Michael Jordan. What they don’t know is that Michael Jordan isn’t simply the result of passion and hard work. It’s the result of a highly gifted individual pursuing something they are very passionate about and working day and night at their craft to make it a world-class success.

Most kids who want to be like Michael Jordan will never become because they are not called. They don’t have the gifts and talents, personality, and passion to make it happen.

The good news is that everyone has gifts and talents. Everyone has what I call a unique DESIGN and calling. Our chances of success are much higher when our vision comes out of our design or our calling.

So when you listen to the governor, start thinking about your calling or DESIGN and have your vision come out of it. Then you are bound to succeed if you don’t give up!

If you don’t know how to find your calling, read my article titled 6 Keys to finding your calling or element.


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